Thursday, February 6, 2014

5 things to do when its raining

I know that sometimes bad weather can bring you down and trust me I know how you feel, it rains 24/7 sometimes where I live. So I thought why not post a blog on things you can do to add a little happiness to your rainy day.

1.Watch a movie

When its raining I like to curl up and watch a movie that I really enjoy but haven't seen for the longest time. Recently the Princess Diaries was added to Netflix and those movies bring back so many memories from when I was little, so it was a nice trip down memory lane.

2.Go to a Museum

If you would don't feel like staying inside your home all day try going to a museum. Its a nice change to do something that is somewhat educational and hey who knows, you might even learn something.


I love baking and a rainy day is the perfect opportunity to try out a ton of new recipes.It also supplies you with an opportunity to make some breakfasts for the week ahead Some of my favorites are muffins, scones or loafs.

4.Read a book

I know everyone says to read a book on a rainy day, but trust me, when I say a good book is a great way to make a rainy day pass. I find that if you read a book on a rainy day you can escape into a different world and away from all the nasty weather. If you don't like reading try listening to books.

5.Start a blog!

Believe it or not I came up with the idea to start this blog on a rainy day, which also gave me the inspiration to write this blog. I love having blogs as my creative outlet. Check out may baking blog for recipes if idea number 3 appeals to you at

Thanks for reading :)

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